Starting on May 5th, we will be launching a new series called "You Ask We Answer". The main idea behind this series is to allow you to ask any questions you may have, and we will answer them during our preaching sessions on Sunday mornings. We all have questions, and we know that we don't have all the answers. Think of it like you’re raising your hand during service and asking a question. It could be about faith, religion, the Bible, or even topics like sex, relationships, and parenting. We believe that the Bible has a lot to say about almost any subject, and that's why we want to help you find answers to your questions.

If you have any questions, simply click the button below and submit them. Our teaching team will receive your questions and do their best to provide answers from the Bible during a Sunday morning session. We may not be able to get to every single question, but we'll do our best to answer as many as possible. We may even categorize similar questions together to provide a more comprehensive answer. So don't hesitate to ask! And don’t worry, your question will come through anonymously.

By the way, this series is a great opportunity to invite your friends who are seeking answers to these types of questions. So ask! And invite!

Click the button below to submit your question!